Configure a Static IP Site to use Securd DNS
To protect a static IP network with Securd, add your IPv4 or IPV6 network(s) for Securd to authorize DNS queries from sourcing from this network(s).
Under Protection, browse to Static Sites.
Click on New Static Site.
Add a name for the site.
Add your IPv4 or IPv6 address or network. The site IP field will auto populate your source IP address. You can add a single IP or a CIDR block.
Select the security policy that will be enforced on queries from this network.
Select the target DNS server pair to where you will forward DNS queries.
Note: If you require multiple policies from the same network such as a guest network with stronger security policy. You would create one site with a target Anycast server pair of 1,2. You would repeat the process to create a second site, with a target Anycast server pair of 2,3.
- Once you save your site, you will be able to forward DNS queries to Securd and they will be accepted for processing.
Updated 28 days ago