Understanding How Multi-Tenant DNS Works
With Securd, you can create multiple companies. Companies can be used in a variety of ways to segregate Securd by customer, organization or other logical segregation option of your choice.
Every Securd "Company" is a separate tenant of Securd and has its own configuration. Companies are identified by their name and their global unique identifier (GUID). The GUID is a unique identifier that is associated to the tenant.
Each Company has the following unique properties and configuration:
- Domain suffix exclusion
- Grey wall defense state and timing
- Log retention settings
- Log forwarding settings
- Alert settings
- Pager duty integration settings
- Branding settings
Note: Each security policy that is within the Company will inherit the Company's properties and configuration.
Each Company has the following tenant isolation:
- Configuration data
- Log data
- Security polices
- Block lists
- Site inventory
- Virtual Site inventory
- DoH Url inventory
- Device inventory
- DNS activity inventory
- Administrative users
Updated 23 days ago