Managing Custom Block Pages
There are four types of block pages in Securd.
- The default block page.
- A custom message in the default Securd block page.
- A fully customized HTML block page.
- Redirect to a URL of your choice.
You can create as many block pages as you require to support the policies you have in your account.
Creating Custom Block Page HTML
Securd supports a simple HTML editor for administrators to create a custom HTML message. With custom HTML as an option, you can create a block page that aligns more with your branding needs and security awareness training requirements.
Applying a Block Page to a Policy
Once you create a custom block page, you can apply the block page to a specific policy. Simply browse to policy you want triggering a custom block page response, and select the custom block page option. Once you apply the block page to the policy, the network, end-points or browsers subject to that policy will immediately receive the custom response.
Block Pages over Secure Connections
If you are only using the Securd client, this step is not required.
Advanced security features including HTTPS traffic inspection and redirection require users to install and trust the Securd root certificate on their machine or device. Please follow instructions in the following article: Install the Securd Root Certificate Authority.
If you are protecting devices behind an IP address without the Securd client, Install the Securd Root Certificate Authority and it will prevent a broken HTTPS message at the browser and enable the custom block page to be served over HTTPS.
Updated 23 days ago